- What do you know, Joe,
- after all that study, all that tracking
- of humanity’s search for the sacred,
- for import, for course coordinates?
- A veritable Harpo of revelations
- he pulls from a vest pocket “Natural Music”
- and tells us that Jeffers got it right:
- to be holy is to be strong enough to hear
- beauty in the world’s storms and rages
- without divisions of desire and terror.
- A back pants pocket yields a wallet
- and a tiny newsprint clipping in which a Honolulu cop has,
- on sight, proffered his life to save a stranger.
- Unconditionally living in unity, namaste incarnate,
- dwelling always in the field of chi, feeling it pulsing through
- us, it, them, that, no divisions, no judgments, no fear—
- all the great scholar’s learning distilled in a few lines,
- plain, clear, and—
- enragingly, divisively, terrifyingly—hard.
- .
- Have you another nugget, Joe,
- perhaps an easier one,
- in some other pocket?