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The head of the American Creativity Association asked me some questions about creating the Giraffe Heroes Project. I do love telling stories about Giraffes. Click here to watch.

Rainmakers TV is doing a fine job of interviewing an array of people doing interesting things in the world.

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Here's a transcript of an interview that covered a lot of my core thinking as a longtime (looongtime) activist and as a student of human nature. I seem to have committed to writing more about amor fati as a core concept of being, and of phi as proof of order in the universe. That's turned into Bread Crumbs, A Memoirish Guide to a Meaningful Life, coming soon to this website.

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And here's the audio of that interview just in case you have an extra 90 minutes you don't know what to do with.

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Way back when we were just starting up, the NY Times did this interview.

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We've done a lot of print interviews in this country as well as in Singapore, China, Russia, Mexico, and Germany. Most of them are unavailable but I do have this one from TIME. If I find any of the others, I'll add them here.