ANN MEDLOCK was somewhat available for engagements as a speaker, before Covid locked the world down. She was reluctant to fly coach for more than an hour or two, given the cattle-car conditions of such flights, but was sometimes tempted by an intriguing audience—and a Business Class ticket.
She's given talks all across the United States and in China, Russia, Singapore, Switzerland, and Mexico, usually about the real heroes the Giraffe Heroes Project has commended and what their stories have to tell us all about living a meaningful life.
For literary events and book clubs, she's done readings from her poems and her novel.
Nowadays, she's only willing to Zoom in to your gathering— smaller carbon footprint, and nobody ends up in a hospital.
You can sample her talks in these links to her award-winning Public Radio commentaries, her interviews, and talks at the Hero Round Table, in Singapore, at a women's conference, and at TEDx.
To inquire about having Ann Zoom into your event or book club, please contact us.